Hear ye, hear ye meet Tony the Tetbury Town Crier!

14 August 2020

Tony Tetbury

Our wonderful Steepleton development is lucky enough to call the quaint market town of Tetbury its home. The town itself is steeped in history with strong royal connections, being home to HRH Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, and the Duchess of Cornwall.

In line with its historic connections and traditions, Tetbury still has its very own Town Crier, Tony who is one of the approximately 200 Town Criers working in the UK today. Also known as a Bellman, Tony can be seen frequenting the streets of Tetbury performing various ceremonial duties around the town. We have been speaking to him to discover a bit more about his fascinating role in this charming Cotswolds town.

What does your job of Town Crier entail?

Mostly, I am in the streets announcing any royal engagements or celebrations such as the Queen’s birthday. Most recently I have been helping the Mayor of Tetbury to announce the re-opening of shops as we’re getting back to a ‘new normal’.

I work at plenty of big events in the local area. Two particular events the community look forward to each May is the Woolsack Races and Wacky Races, unfortunately they weren’t able to go ahead this year but I’m usually always there making announcements to the crowds.

Why did you decide to become a Town Crier?

I have always loved being a part of the community. I had previously held the post of Town Crier of Tetbury alongside the role of Town Crier at Nailsworth where I have held the post for the past 28 years and five years ago I returned to the role of Town Crier of Tetbury so I now cover both again, it’s something I’ve always done!

One interesting fact is that I actually own all my regalia – all the coats you see me in I have designed myself. I’ve got several different colours, red, green, blue, and black.

What do you enjoy most about the role?

Mostly that it’s such a social job! People always recognise me in the street and it keeps me busy as I now live on my own since my wife passed away. We were together for 65 years.

It is pretty much an international job; I have travelled all over the world working as a Town Crier and it’s brilliant. It has sent me to Bermuda, Canada, the USA, Australia, and all across Europe! I haven’t let my age slow me down, being a Town Crier has kept me extremely busy.

Can you tell us anything about the history of Tetbury?

It’s a very old town with around 1300 years of recorded history and, certainly for as long as I have known, there have been royal connections.

As Town Crier you can be asked to visit the sister town of where you practice. Tetbury is twinned with Zwingenburg in Germany and has been since 1981 and recently Tetbury was twinned with Chatillion-sur-Indre in France. I was invited to lead the procession for the European Youth Parade where young people from all over Europe were invited to come and represent their country in the parade which was a fantastic experience.


If you’re looking for a home surrounded by charming history and traditions nestled in the stunning Cotswolds, then get in touch with our team to find out more about the homes and facilities available at our Steepleton development. Contact us on 01666 848219 or e mail us: [email protected]