News and events
Read all about our latest news, community events and inspirational stories from our residents.

Hobbies & interests
Don’t forget to let friends and family know you're moving

Hobbies & interests
Declutter your life before moving

Media & Press Releases
PegasusLife Group celebrates two Housing Design Awards

Hobbies & interests
Have a splendid summer on the South Coast

Hobbies & interests
Flower power to brighten your balcony

Hobbies & interests
Ways to improve your health and wellbeing

Hobbies & interests
Make Journaling Your New Hobby

Hobbies & interests
Take a relaxing Easter mini-break

Hobbies & interests
Top tips for styling your coastal home

Hobbies & interests
Why leave London when you retire?

Media & Press Releases
Judge rules in favour of retirement consortium’s judicial review of the Mayor of London’s SPG

Hobbies & interests